When researching registered nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree completion programs, you likely have certain criteria in mind that the program must meet. You look at the available classes, the reputation of the program and the caliber of the instructors.
Accreditation is another key consideration. There are numerous reasons why you should find a fully accredited program such as the online RN to BSN program from The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). UTA’s nursing programs hold accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), one of the few widely recognized accrediting bodies in the field.
CCNE Accreditation Defined
CCNE is a national, autonomous accrediting agency, officially recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. Its goal is to ensure that college nursing programs abide by high standards of curriculum, faculty and more. CCNE dates back to 1996, when the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) founded the accrediting body. Various programs can receive CCNE accreditation, including bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, as well as distance and accelerated online learning programs.
Value of Accreditation to Students and Employers
Attending a BSN online program with CCNE accreditation offers many benefits for those wanting to advance their nursing education and credentials. For one, CCNE accreditation ensures prospective students that a nursing program is high quality and will prepare them for success in a variety of modern nursing roles. Graduates may also enjoy more job opportunities because potential employers want candidates with a degree from an accredited program. In addition, holding a bachelor’s from an accredited BSN program is an admissions requirement for many master’s-level nursing programs.
Accreditation is valuable for hospitals and other healthcare employers as well. It helps them in the hiring process, as they know that their newest employees completed a program that meets stringent criteria and standards. Employers can expect a high level of nursing knowledge and skill from graduates of these programs.
How CCNE Programs and the Public Benefit From Accreditation
Accreditation is worthwhile for programs or schools because the designation provides a level of prestige and helps them attract excellent prospective students. Additionally, accreditation benefits the community, in that it elevates the standards of the nursing profession, providing local residents with highly trained and educated nurses.
Let your BSN program work for you by choosing a nursing program with CCNE accreditation. When you complete the program, a world of career opportunity awaits.
Learn more about UTA’s online RN to BSN program.